Saturday, May 24, 2008

My life in my car...

Well I have packed my car up to head up to Bar Harbor Maine tomorrow. I just hope that no one gets a smart idea and tries to steal it tonight! That would be NO good. Somehow over the last year I have accumulated a lot of crap- even after giving away a ton of stuff, it still all barely fit! My biggest fear (other than a stolen car) is a flat tire- knock on wood! I can just picture myself on the side of the turnpike unloading my trunk (which has about 50 pounds of books in it not to mention all my clothes) just to get the spare tire. What a story that would be... My first day at my first rotation is Tuesday. I will be at Mount Desert Island Hospital in Bar Harbor Maine working in Primary Care/Women's Health. I am looking forward to it mostly because I heard that it is an easy rotation to start out with. I have some classmates that are starting out in surgery or the ER- If that were me- I would be crazy nervous! I am fortunate because Bar Harbor is located inside Acadia National Park and its the perfect time of year to be up there! I hope to get some good hiking in during the six weeks that I will be living there. I am still not sure where my second rotation will be- I think they like to keep us on our toes, much to our dismay! Anyway- next time I write, I will be three hours north of Portland in the middle of nowhere Maine! Wish me luck!


Mama Wisch said...

Good Luck with the rotation and the drive!

always sunny said...

my goodness!
do you know anyone there?
good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Stacy, I sure admire you!! Always something new and daring! You're a brave one Stacy Ann! I sure love you. Keep on truckin'.
T-Bone and Radio