Tuesday, July 8, 2008

First day of Rotation 2

So yesterday was my first day in Augusta at the VA and boy was I busy- NOT seeing patients. No instead I ran back and forth down the half mile long- 4,000 degree hallways getting paper work done. I came out here about 2 weeks ago to get the ball rolling on the finger printing and badge work, well that was a waisted trip... they lost everything so I had to do it all over again. The I had to go to get a parking pass at the on site police station, then I had to go get my keys to the house. On the bright side, the house is next to the on site fire station so there might be some good viewing opportunities. All I can say about the living is I am glad I have lived in a run down house with stangers before (the seattle house). I am the only girl living with three men- no internet and no TV. On that note, I did buy a new laptop yesterday! I love it, its a HP and it is really pretty.
So not only was I running around all day yesterday and moving in to the house but it was 94 degrees and REALLY humid. I was pretty much dripping with sweat all day. Nice first impression. All right I had better get going- back to my computer training!!! Yay for electronic medical records!


always sunny said...

my goodness you are brave! sweetpea, i wish i could come over and make you dinner while you just sat there and watched tv. i miss you.